Delay Costs Explained: How to calculate liquidated damages & prevent delays when building

Shockingly the average cost of home building delays is $4,600 every month. This is usually caused by failure to start on time or material delays, but there are simple strategies for how to avoid these costly delays or manage it with a builder when it occurs.

What are Liquidated Damages in my HIA Contract?

Liquidated Damages (LDs) are a pre-agreed mechanism in the HIA Building Contract which allow Owners to claim compensation if the Builder fails to complete the build within the timeframe specified in the contract.

LDs are often thought of as penalties, but instead it’s more helpful to think of the mechanism as a consequence of the agreed build timeline not being met.

How are Liquidated Damages calculated in my HIA Contract?

In the HIA contract, LDs are calculated on a predetermined daily rate which Owners nominate in the ‘Particulars’ of the contract before signing.

LDs must be based on a genuine calculation of damages to the Owner for delated building works. There must be a clear link that the costs will be directly incurred because of delayed completion of the project.

Costs to consider when calculating LDs:

  • Loan Interest

  • Additional Rent

  • Loss of Income

  • Fees

  • Storage Costs

  • Rental Costs

We have a Liquidated Damages calculator that we share with clients that helps calculate their weekly rate.

Ready to take the stress out of building your dream home?

As much as we'd like it to, things don't always go to plan… 

👉 Issues have come up that you didn't realise could happen, and you're struggling to solve them

👉 Your builder is suddenly speaking a language you don't understand

👉  Figuring out who does what, and by when isn't as clear as you hoped 

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Find out more about Building Contracts Made Simple.


Written by Annelyse, Building Contract Enthusiast, Project Manager, and founder of Build Together Project Management

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