5 High Impact, Low Budget DIY Renovation Ideas

I have to admit, I am a fellow lover of DIY home renovations. Having DIY renovated with my partner, we fell in love with learning what we could do ourselves to make a big impact on the home. 

Most DIY renovators don’t do anywhere near enough research on what can be done with minimal time and financial impact before they start. 

To DIY renovate successfully, the biggest tip I can share is to keep it simple and keep within your capabilities. 

In this post I share 5 ideas for DIY renovators which save money and have a high impact on the home. 

The trick to DIY renovating

Renovating is a simple process, start something then finish it. When renovators start taking on projects more complicated than they can handle, things don’t get finished. 

Before jumping into DIY renovation works, it’s important to consider your realistic capabilities, budget, time and design expectations: 

Some ideas you have may be within your capabilities

But cannot be completed within the time you have allowed 

By considering all four constraints before starting works, you’ll be set up for success to do activities that can realistically be achieved. 

5 Low Cost DIY Renovating Ideas 

Here are my five recommendations for DIY projects that make a high impact on the look and feel of your home: 

  1. Install LED downlights - the single best, most high impact way to improve your home by improving the lighting.  We used the Bunnings LED downlight packs and saw a huge difference in the look and feel of each room. 

  2. Replace your skirting for a modern re-fresh - pretty simple, but has a high impact on the ‘new’ feel of a home. 

  3. Install VJ panelling - high impact, low cost feature that looks amazing in all styles of home. We used the panelling over walls with particularly unforgiving plasterwork to save money. 

  4. Replace door furniture - pick out some new handles for your cupboards and doors. This trick will make the house feel more your style for very little effort. 

  5. Paint - seems obvious but it does make your home feel brand new!

Renovating is a simple start and finish game 

The more clients understand how renovation projects can be set up for success, the easier managing it all gets. 

So work hard on understanding what you can and can’t do on your reno! 
Thanks for reading and catch you in my next post :) 

Annelyse x 

B. Construction Management | GD. Construction Law 

PS. If your enjoying this then don't forget to follow me @buildtogetherpm for my daily tips on building, renovating and DIYing. 

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Written by Annelyse, Building Contract Enthusiast, Project Manager, and founder of Build Together Project Management

P.S. Are we friends on Instagram yet? Head on over here to connect with me! @buildtogetherpm. Send me a DM to let me know you found me from the Blog!


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