Tools & Calculators
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New Home Building Blog
A collection of resources to make the new home building journey easier.
Resources by Topic
The golden rule to follow before signing any Building Contract
Before executing any construction contract, there is one golden rule (that many forget!).
4 ways to engage a Builder for first time home buyers
There are a number of established pathways first time home buyers can take to bring on board a builder to build their first home.
This blog post looks at the four most common builder procurement options are, their risks and complexities.
Tips for reducing Building Variations
Worried about variations blowing out your budget? This blog post covers 3 tips for minimising variations during your new home build.
Provisional Sums Explained: A Guide for HIA Victorian New Home Contracts
In the blog post, we dive into what Provisional Sums are, how they can be used for good on your HIA Victorian New Home Contract and how they are drawn upon during your build. Plus tips on getting the most value on your new home build.
How to check inclusions and exclusions in building contracts?
A common issue for home building clients is finding out midway through a build that particular bits of work have been excluded from the builders scope of work. In this blog post, I talk you through my top tips for making sure the building works you expect are in the contract
What happens if I make changes to my house design after signing the Building Contract?
Thinking sneaking in a change during your Build wont incur cost and time impacts is a common misconception for first time home building clients! Every time a change is made to your plans during construction, the following two things automatically happen.
What Insurance Policies do I need to see from my Builder? (before signing the contract!)
Wondering what insurance policies you should be seeing from your Builder before works begin? This Blog Post outlines the types of insurance your Builder must have in place when building in Victoria.
Victorian HIA New Homes Contract - 5 Things to check before signing (a checklist)
Before you put pen to paper to to sign your HIA Building Contract, it is so important you know the inner details of the contract.Here's a handy checklist to empower you with the knowledge needed before signing:
Who should be reviewing your HIA Building Contract?
Finding the best person to review your building contract can be a hard find. Here are my tips on getting to the bottom of what building contract advice you are looking for, and who is best placed to give you the help that you need.
9 things to check before signing your HIA Building Contract
A nine point list of what to check in your HIA Home Building Contract before you sign.
5 Low Cost DIY Renovating Ideas
In this post I share 5 ideas for DIY renovators which save money and have a high impact on the home.
A buyers agent’s tips on Buying a New Home in Australia
Last week I sat down with the lovely Kim Ball from Buy East Buyers Agency in Sydney. We spoke about all things buying new and building; it was a very insightful chat, and I wanted to share with you some of her tips on Buying in Australia.