How much does it cost to build a new house in 2025?


Average cost of a new home, ranked by each State:

In 2025, a new home costs the most in NSW and the least in the Northern Territory.

New South Wales

The average new home price (including land) in NSW is $1,233,600


The average new home price (including land) in VIC is $890,300


The average new home price (including land) in QLD is $915,700.0

South Australia

The average new home price (including land) in SA is $815,500.0

Western Australia

The average new home price (including land) in WAis $863,900.0


The average new home price (including land) in ACTis $951,800

Northern Territory

The average new home price (including land) in the NT is $531,100

(Data from Australian Bureau of Statistics. Costs data is for whole dwellings not new builds specifically.)

Building costs per m2 Australia

Depending on the type of builder you choose, you can use a rate per square meter (m2) to estimate building costs:

  • Volume builders charge between 2,000 to 2,500 per m2

  • Custom builders charge between 2,500 to 4,500 per m2

  • Architectural build costs between 4,500 to 7,000 per m2.

Cost of building a house calculator

My Build & Budget Project HUB has a automatic m2 rate New Home Build cost - check out the $16 Notion template here. This calculator guides decision-making on which design and build team to start speaking with.


Building Contract reviews for New Home Builds & Renovations

If you're looking for a personalised review of your Building Contract at a reasonable price, you can find out more information about my Building Contract Health Checks here.

I support clients with their HIA and Master Builders Home Building contracts from all states in Australia, including Victoria, ACT, Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, WA, and the Northern Territory.

Building Contract reviews are for people who want to understand their contract better before they sign.

If you're a person like me who wants to dive into the details, wants education on what makes a good contract, and what to look out for - then you're a great match for a Building Contract Review with me.

Ultimately, I want you to walk away from our session with confidence to proceed with signing your contract.

We go through any of your questions like how to avoid delays, what to watch out for and how to keep costs within your original building quote.

Happy building! 💚

Thanks for reading and catch you on my next post :)


Construction Management | M. Construction Law

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